Disability Inclusion
The key terms below have been provided to Hyphens and Spaces through our partnership with Team Trust Productions, LLC. They are part of a comprehensive style guide designed to inform inclusive communication practices and expand understanding about disability.
This resource is intended to guide organizations in shaping strategies, goals, and missions that authentically include people with disabilities. The complete style guide addresses important topics such as ableism, disability language, accommodations, and active listening practices, and is designed to both expand awareness and challenge common misconceptions about disability.
By familiarizing yourself with these terms, you take an important step toward creating more inclusive environments where everyone can participate fully.
Download the complete style guide → Want to learn more about creating disability-inclusive spaces?
Schedule a discovery call → to discuss how we can help your organization develop more inclusive communication and practices.
Someone who does not have a physical disability. This is similar to saying one is “non-disabled” or “does not have a disability.”
This is a naughty word. This refers to the discrimination of a person with a disability.
If a person is called an “ableist,” that’s not good.
Adaptive technology
Modifications to technology that allow persons with disabilities to better interact with technology. Examples: Large print books; large monitors; computers with voice and / visual output; keyboard modifications. Adaptive technology is often used interchangeably with assistive technology.
American Sign Language (ASL)
“a complete natural language that has the same linguistic properties as spoken languages, with grammar that differs from English,” according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. ASL is expressed via hand and face movements, and it is primarily used by those who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Here is what “food” looks like signed.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) device
a device that helps persons with speech impairments communicate. The device lets users communicate through words, sentences and images that are read aloud.
Chemical / Electrical sensitivities
The Research and Training Center out of the University of Kansas defines these as “chronic medical conditions characterized by neurological impairment, muscle pain and weakness, respiratory problems, and gastrointestinal complaints. Reactions for those with chemical intolerances are triggered by low-level exposure to everyday substances and products, including pesticides, solvents, cleaning agents, new carpeting and adhesives, fragrances, and scented products. Electrical hypersensitivities are triggered by electromagnetic fields from electrical devices and frequencies.”
Congenital disability
a disability that starts at birth.
used by some persons with disabilities to refer to a person with a disability
a condition that causes a person to have hearing and vision loss.
Developmental disability (DD)
“disorders that are usually present at birth and that negatively affect the trajectory of the individual’s physical, intellectual, and/or emotional development. Many of these conditions affect multiple body parts or systems,” according to the University of Minnesota’s Institute on Community Integration.
sometimes used interchangeably with “disabled.”
Intellectual disability (ID)
a condition that affects intellectual functioning
Invisible disability
a disability that is typically not visible (i.e., through a wheelchair, walking stick).
Language disorder
generally apparent among children who have difficulties speaking and understand language.
Learning disabilities
“a disorder in one or more basic psychological processes that may manifest itself as an imperfect ability in certain areas of learning, such as reading, written expression, or mathematics,” says the Learning Disabilities Association of America.
Mental illness
a condition that affects one’s ability to think, feel or behave.
often used when referring to conditions like autism, ADHD, or learning disabilities, and it means that we all experience the world differently.
“Some disability advocates are beginning to shift away from the word ‘nonverbal’ in favor of ‘nonspeaking,’ arguing that ‘nonverbal’ implies that someone doesn’t understand language, while “nonspeaking’ does not invite the same judgment. A nonspeaking individual may understand and use language – just in a different way,” according to the National Center on Disability and Journalism (NCDJ).
Sensory disability
a disability that affects one or more of a person’s senses. Examples include autism, blindness, deafness
Speech impediment
a condition that affects one’s ability to pronounce certain sounds.
This is appropriate to use when a person has recovered from such conditions as cancer or stroke. Survivor is preferable over “victim,” but ask the person which term they prefer.
Universal design
“the design and composition of an environment so that it can be accessed, understood and used to the greatest extent possible by all people regardless of their age, size, ability or disability,” states the Centre for Excellence in Universal Design.
Visible disability
a disability that is visible (through a wheelchair, walker, prosthetic). I have a visible disability, because of my wheelchair.